Punk Territory Vol 7
[Italian Hardcore 1983-85]
RAW POWER (Tracks 1-3)
Formed at the beginning of 1982 when OFF LIMITS split up and in '83 produced a s/t cassette with 19 really sharp tracks, three of which are reproduced here. Originality is their strongest feature, as is obvious from the tracks chosen here.
THE WOPS (Tracks 4-7)
The Wops strike again with these 4 songs, half of their first and only cassette.
CRASH BOX (Tracks 8-11)
Their style could be described as influenced by the very best American hardcore, popular at the time, but enlivened with original and clever ideas and experimentation.
THE CLASS WAR (Tracks 12-14)
THE SKULLS (Tracks 15-16)
These 2 Sicilian groups represented a sense of passionate committment straight from the heart. What you will hear in these tracks is still pure Punk, though fairly restrained, with lyrics based on the experiences of life.
CRAPPING DOGS (Tracks 17-23)
Their stance was firmly libertarian, against all forms of militarism and they especially wanted to be uninfluenced by any kind of ideology from either inside or outside of the Punk movement. Their musical influences are quite clear in these tracks: form HC to classic Punk, from Reggae to New Wave.
RIOT (Track 24)
UART PUNK (Track 26)
The tracks by these 3 groups all have an anti-war theme. Riot remained almost completely unknown, Liberation Life made a demo-tape with seven tracks while Uart Punk, formed in '81, not only made the usual cassette, but also took part in the "...first real collective recorded document representing Italian Punk..."
50 Braccio (Track 27)
Their style was HC and hardly any changes of beat, but they were extremely well arranged, and considerable importance was given to the lyrics.
KOLLETTIVO (Tracks 28-30)
This is one of the most famous bands from Turin, although the recording is not very good, the words of the songs are excellent.
BLAXFEMA (Tracks 31-34)
This band is from Lombardy, and at the time some considered them to be one of the best groups to be found on the scene in Italy.
NOISENOISENOISE pn (Tracks 35-38)
They invented a rather unusual kind of punk, based on strident, though never cacophonous or unpleasant, guitar mixes. They were in fact a group with a creative and intelligent style who were never banal or insincere.
Full of violence and anger, this is one of the best songs from the self-produced cassette by this frenzied group.
Ps: tnx to TARINGA [