If you don't already know, they are Filipino powerviolence from Southern California straight out of the suburbs of Duarte (the city itself is practically a suburb) and play shows pretty much anywhere so just let you know. they have a demo out that recorded in January at Ample Studios which they're not totally satisfied with but its still good so make sure you check that out. they recently recorded songs at Tom's Recording Studio for the upcoming split ep with Field Trip!(insane fastcore from La Puente) on Go! Records which is coming out really soon. they're also planning splits with Mutilated Pork Guts and the Scrotums.

FORMED EARLY 2002 WITH 4 MEMBERS: BJ, NENG, JAY (now playS bass for deathmetal band WICCA) and JAYSON (now playS drums with the hardcore/crustcore band A.D.A.) SA17 likes TO PLAY FAST AND ENJOYING EAR DEVASTATING SOUNDS.
Yeah, Hoy Pinoy! They're one of my favorites.
ReplyDeletefuckin...i saw them a while back. people were just sorta looking blankly at first. insanely fast. whooo!