I will give you more Straight Edge Kegger but this time with the almighty gods of powerviolence CAPITALIST CASUALTIES , This is the first Capitalist Casualties release in 5 years! .. All unreleased live material. and 7 tracks from the fresno's insane female fronted thrashers/fastcore S.E.K .. this is a sold out split so i think it safe to post it here. enjoy.
ReplyDeletedo you know the label and release year of this split?
ReplyDeleteTo the person who left the previous comment, I can't remember when this record was released. It would have to be 2006 at the latest. There is no label. I can't really remember who put it out. I have an extra copy if you want it, don't go looking on Ebay for it, some asshole will try to charge you 40 bucks for it, haha.
To the blogger, please feel free to put any and every SEK recording for people's listening (dis)pleasure! I played bass in SEK for about 5 or six years, and the second I would get our recordings on CD, I would put them on the internet thru p2p and bitorrent programs.
- Steve Turbo
Straight Edge Kegger - fantastic band!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the 7". Do you have any track listing?